Bloque: priceitemsCódigo UNSPSC | Descripción | Cantidad | Unidad | Precio unitario estimado | Precio unitario |
60141000 | Camión volqueta future star, battery operated, sound, light function | 25,00 | UN | 23.500,00 | | 60141000 | Mini speed dog Dynamic music flashing lights | 25,00 | UN | 16.700,00 | | 60141000 | Trastor Powerful strength R/C bulldozer con control | 30,00 | UN | 24.800,00 | | 60141000 | Carro truck new toys con sonido, battery operated | 20,00 | UN | 23.500,00 | | 60141000 | Bugbear truck power champion | 5,00 | UN | 18.200,40 | | 60141000 | Baby happy toys sed de 2 juguetes | 30,00 | UN | 16.500,00 | | 60141000 | Vehicle super & toy car, battery operated, sound, light function | 63,00 | UN | 23.350,00 | | 60141000 | Phone learning activities battery operated, sound, light function, thinking | 26,00 | UN | 21.500,00 | | 60141000 | Sasa and fashion, beautiful fashion happy | 30,00 | UN | 14.500,00 | | 60141000 | Bear Strong sport, football, basketball | 40,00 | UN | 11.000,00 | | 60141000 | Baby & first, fun learning toy, whole new, music. | 35,00 | UN | 23.500,00 | | 60141000 | Snow and ice colors sed de 2 muñecas, | 40,00 | UN | 23.800,00 | | 60141000 | Muñecas Fashion model style whit accessories | 40,00 | UN | 16.650,00 | |