Entrada No. 1Estado del Proceso | Presentación de oferta |
Fecha y Hora de Cierre del Proceso | 29/09/2020 3:00 PM (UTC -5 horas) |
Cuantía a Contratar | - |
Estado del Contrato | ClosedForReplies |
Dirección Física de Entrega de Documentos del Proceso | Diagonal 34 # 5 - 43, Bogotá, Distrito Capital de Bogotá, COLOMBIA |
Tipo de Proceso | Solicitud de información a los Proveedores |
Objeto del Contrato | Misión:Somos la Subred Integrada de Servicios de Salud Centro Oriente ESE, que brinda atención integral en salud, con altos estándares de calidad, a través de un equipo humano idóneo que promueve la generación del conocimiento por medio de la investigación y la docencia, para mejorar las condiciones de salud de nuestra población, respetando su diversidad y entorno. Visión: En el año 2020 seremos referentes del modelo de atención integral en salud con altos estándares de calidad, reflejados en la satisfacción de nuestros usuarios y sus familias, reconocidos por la gestión clínica, docente y de investigación. |
UNSPSC | 42131500 - Patient clothing
41123100 - Laboratory dialysis supplies
42161600 - Extracorporeal hemodialysis equipment and supplies
42142100 - Heat and cold therapy products
42231500 - Enteral feeding equipment and supplies
42295400 - Surgical support supplies
42222200 - Needleless intravenous injection and withdrawal systems
42293500 - Surgical suction and irrigation cannulas and tips and stylets and related products
41105100 - Laboratory pumps and tubing
42142600 - Syringes and accessories
42142601 - Medical aspiration or irrigation syringes
42142602 - Medical bulb syringes
42142603 - Medical cartridge syringes
42142604 - Medical catheter tip syringes
42142605 - Medical ear syringes
42142606 - Medical metered delivery syringes
42142607 - Medical micro syringes
42142608 - Medical syringes without needles
42142609 - Medical syringes with needles
42142610 - Oral liquid medication syringes
42142611 - Tuberculin syringes
42142612 - Irrigation syringe sets
42142613 - Injection guns
42142614 - Hypodermic injection apparatus or accessories
42142615 - Syringe accessories
42142616 - Blood collection syringes
42142617 - Fountain syringes
42142618 - Blood gas analysis syringe kits
42142619 - Prefilled flush syringe
42142620 - Intraosseous needle driver or injection gun
42222201 - Needleless intravenous injection syringe set or injection cannula
42222202 - Needleless vial or bag withdrawal cannulas or adapters or decanters
42271700 - Oxygen therapy delivery systems and devices
42271701 - Medical gas cylinders or related devices
42271702 - Oxygen concentrators
42271703 - Oxygen air blenders
42271704 - Oxygen timers
42271705 - Oxygen delivery connectors or adapters
42271706 - Respiratory therapy compressors
42271707 - Flow sensors or regulators or components
42271708 - Medical oxygen masks or parts
42271709 - Medical nasal cannulae
42271710 - Medical nasal catheters or catheterization kits
42271711 - Medical head hoods
42271712 - Medical aerosol tents
42271713 - Medical hyperbaric chambers
42271714 - Medical incubators
42271715 - Medical oxygen tubing or connectors
42271716 - Cases for nasal insufflators
42271717 - Inhalators or sets
42271718 - Oxygen therapy delivery system products accessories or its supplies
42271719 - Oxygen insufflator or its accessories
42271720 - Liquid oxygen converters
42271721 - Oxygen concentrator filters
42271722 - Oxygen uptake computer
42295502 - Human tissue implants
42295510 - Surgical adhesion barriers
42295520 - Ventriculostomy kit
42295521 - Gastrointestinal implant
42152600 - Dental operatory specific supplies
42152601 - Dental operatory articulating papers or related products
42152602 - Dental operatory infection control barriers
42152603 - Dental operatory retention pins or related products
42152604 - Dental operatory retraction cords
42152605 - Dental sialography sets
42152606 - Dental splints or sets
42152607 - Dental instruments rings
42152608 - Orthodontic ligature cartridges
42131501 - Patient bibs
42131502 - Patient caps
42131503 - Patient exam capes
42131504 - Patient gowns
42131505 - Patient infant shirts or vests
42131506 - Patient jackets
42131507 - Patient slippers
42131508 - Patient pajamas
42131509 - Hospital robes
42131510 - Patient trousers
42131511 - Hydrotherapy garment
42131512 - Patient infant cap or hat or material for infant cap |